Our History

Our story begins

Nadya's dream of opening her own coffee shop began when she was a little girl in her home country. She cherished the memory of her father, who died when she was only four, roasting coffee beans at home and filling the house with the aroma of fresh coffee. She wanted for others to share her passion for coffee.

In 2006, Nadya moved to the United States determined to forge a brighter future. After pursuing a finance master's degree and working in the field for a time, she felt unfulfilled. Switching direction to become a software engineer while balancing a busy family life, she never lost sight of her dream. Passionate about quality coffee, she delved into the vibrant coffee scene of San Fran. Inspired by Italian coffee culture as a way of life, she dreamed of learning directly from the masters and bring that legacy stateside.

Moving to Florence

Enthused, she enrolled in a coffee program in Florence, Italy, where she learned everything about coffee from the experts. She studied the Speciality Coffee Association (SCA) standards for green coffee, sustainability, brewing, sensory, cupping, roasting, and barista skills. She was amazed by the depth and complexity of coffee and how much it can vary depending on the origin, processing, roasting, and brewing methods. She also made connections with coffee producers, roasters, and trainers who shared their knowledge and passion with her.

Bringing Florence home

Nadya returned to the United States with a clear vision: she wanted to roast her own coffee, following the SCA standards and the Italian style, and offer it to her local community. She wanted to bring a piece of Italy to her customers and show them the difference that quality and care can make. She started roasting at home on a small roaster and renting production machines to practice and refine her skills. She also joined the local coffee roasters community and found support, encouragement, and feedback from her peers.

LiftUp Roast is born

Currently, Nadya is working hard to make her dream come true. She is building her own coffee roasting company and is excited to share her love and knowledge of Italian coffee roasting. She knows that there is always more to learn and discover in the coffee world and that she can always surprise and delight her customers with new and amazing flavors.